State-of-the-art Manufacturing
We’ve invested in the latest manufacturing technology and have one of the most advanced pallet manufacturing systems in the south of England...
...operating eight high speed automated and robotic production lines producing 2-way and 4-way pallets, increasing efficiency and reducing lead times. This gives us the capacity to manufacture in excess of 1.8 million timber products every year just on one single shift.

Two 4-way pallet production lines, one of which is fully automated with a quick change over robotic system, manufacturing up to 240 pallets per hour
Four Viking 2-way production lines
One Viking Turbo production line manufacturing over 4 pallets per minute.
Three high speed quick change over deck nailing machine incorporating robotics
Twelve manual assembly benches for smaller batches and bespoke timber products
Three Eco Friendly Heat Treatment/Kilns ran from our process wood waste
A wood waste reprocessing facility with a biomass plant producing hot water which is used to run our two heat treatment kilns. The energy produced is also used to heat our production area
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Guarantee
All of our timber products are manufactured to BS ISO 9001:2008 which we achieved in 1992.
It is the policy of HG Timber Limited to provide to its customers a high quality product manufactured in accordance with all relevant standards and customer requirements and to provide these products on time. Our aim is to ensure an efficient and effective service is provided to our customers.

HG Timber Limited's policy is to maintain an effective Quality Management System in accordance with BS EN ISO 9001:2008. Our management structure ensures that this policy is communicated to and understood by all our employees.
Our quality documentation, policies and objectives are reviewed on a regular basis at management meetings to ensure the system is continually improved to meet the company and our customer requirements.
Regular production quality and specification checks are carried out and signed for by our Quality Assurance Manager. This allows us to maintain one of the highest standards for manufactured timber products in the UK.

HG Timber believes that timber is the most sustainable, renewable and environmentally friendly raw material available. It offers businesses with packing requirements, plus a number of other sectors including construction, retail and manufacturing, the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint and therefore the effect their businesses have on the environment.
It is also the most popular material in the world for the storage, transport and movement of goods, and one of the key elements in timber being such a responsible corporate choice environmentally is its renewability.