Warehouse Decking
Have you ever wished you could store all types and sizes of pallets in your warehouse racking? Well now you can with HG Timber’s warehouse decking.
The UK's most trusted designer and manufacturer of warehouse decking, the perfect safe solution to store various size /type /quality (timber based, plastic and or metal) pallets in a pallet racking system.
Our warehouse decks are custom designed and manufactured to the end users individual requirement. HG Timber was probably the first company in the UK to manufacture this product. Established since 1945, we have many years' experience in designing the most economical and safe solution for our customers.
Softwood timber decking
Our warehouse decking is manufactured using quality timber sourced mainly from Sweden. We have a dedicated team based in Sweden in constant contact with 180 plus saw mills. This enables us to provide our customers with the best quality timber at the most economical price.
Warehouse decking is manufactured using kiln dried softwood. The timber used is structurally graded in order for HG Timber to guarantee the stated loading requirement.

The deck boards are fixed to battens that act as location for the timber deck against the inside faces of the pallet racking beams. Warehouse decking is assembled using our state of the art fully computer controlled nailing machines to enable maximum joint strength and nailing accuracy. The speed of the machines enables this all to be done as efficiently as possible providing the most cost effective solution for our customer.
Warehouse decking is quick and easy to install with no fixings required. They simply drop over the pallet racking beams.
Depending on the end use either open or close boarded decks are supplied in either actual sawn or planed all round variants.
For external or high humidity applications the warehouse decking can also be supplied using pressure treated timber to provide a long lasting solution.
Warehouse decking can also be supplied to provide either a Class O or Class 1 surface spread of flame protection.

Chipboard decking

Chipboard decking is supplied for either long span shelving applications or carpet racks when boards up to 5 Metres long are required. HG Timber design and supply the right solution and guarantee the stated customer loading requirement.
Chipboard can be supplied in sheet form only or we can fix location battens or blocks to the underside to provide location against pallet racking beams.

HG Timber believes that timber is the most sustainable, renewable and environmentally friendly raw material available. It offers businesses with packing requirements, plus a number of other sectors including construction, retail and manufacturing, the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint and therefore the effect their businesses have on the environment.
It is also the most popular material in the world for the storage, transport and movement of goods, and one of the key elements in timber being such a responsible corporate choice environmentally is its renewability.